Thursday, March 12, 2009

Too long

Wow, it has been a long time since I've updated this blog. I've been slacking. I can understand how some people blog daily, and I can't at the same time. If there is a topic that is on some one's mind, blogging can be quite releasing. I just don't think I'm at that point yet...

I am getting so sick of all the negativity around our society. Yes, we are in an economic recession right now. This is obvious. But is there nothing positive going on in North America? I swear, the media, and a lot of individuals, make it their goal to find something negative about everything. President Obama (who I have been a proud supporter of, I'll admit) has pushed through this stimulus bill. Yes, it is a lot of spending, and will set the country back for a while, but can't people give this a chance to work? There is so much negativity around it, it is bound to fail. People need to have a little bit more faith in the systems we have built, and on our human resilience.

Things are going pretty well for me. The housing market is not having it's typical early spring push, but I know it is coming. Being a young person is this industry has actually served me well during this difficult time. I don't have the huge expense accounts, staff, or children in University to worry about. I will make it through this tough time, and I am confident the market will turn in the next few months.

I have started reading blogs a lot lately. I am a little late into the game, but I am amazed by the thoughts some people have. If you know of any good blogs out there, shoot me a message or forward them to me. I would love to read them. I hope this finds everyone well(who am I kidding, does anyone actually read this?) Cheers


At April 23, 2009 at 4:16 p.m. , Blogger D said...

dude, I read it, just so you know...ha


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